Lynn Community Health Center

Lynn Community Health Center is a non-profit, multicultural, community health center positioned at the center of a larger solution to the healthcare crisis that is facing our nation today.

“MassMonopoly’s team worked closely with our staff to fully understand the needs of our 3 primary users. They went above and beyond what we initially asked for, helping us see what was possible for our patients, job seekers, supporters, and (bonus!) staff. Lynn Community Health Center has a comprehensive set of services and a diverse patient population, a varied job candidate pool and a range of wonderful supporters. M2 focused our needs into this beautiful site, and they’ve been a pleasure to work with at every step of the way. As a client, working with a responsive team that clearly sees our success as their success is a gift.”

Kristen GandekMarketing and Communications Manager

LCHC’s mission is to provide comprehensive health care to everyone in their community, regardless of their ability to pay.

Let that sink in for a moment – regardless of their ability to pay! This claim seems like a much-needed cry for justice in today’s healthcare system, but it also seems equally unbelievable in a climate of corporate greed and skyrocketing healthcare costs. Rest assured, in order to bring this to life, we dug in to see how they back this claim and how they deliver on the promise. We’re super happy to report that they do indeed deliver! You can dig into the details on their site, but for those looking for the cliff notes? Dedicated, full-time staff whose job it is to make sure you get seen, apply for all applicable insurance benefits (even with no insurance), and receive top-notch care, regardless of your job/insurance/housing/immigration/language situation when you walked in their door! This truly is a spot dedicated to excellence in care and social justice for their entire community!

We are very proud to have played our tiny role in furthering the amazing work of Lynn Community Health Center and its wonderful staff.

lynnchc homepage

LCHC Will Take Good Care Of You

At the health center, board-certified providers lead teams of health professionals who can address almost any non-emergency health need or chronic condition. These teams include highly-qualified mental health therapists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dentists, optometrists, pharmacists, community health workers, and other specialists. Our job was to make the health center and its HUGE service offering welcoming, easy to understand, and easy to act upon, despite language, economic or social barriers.

Find a Doctor view

Good Help Is Easy To Find

We built a slick, interactive provider network where patients of LCHC can quickly and easily search the entire database of available providers for the right fit for themselves and their families. The database is sortable by many common attributes including specialty, language, and location.

primary care with dropdown

Complex Yet Simple

As a large health center with a huge amount of services, content, providers, jobs, and more, the first issue we had to tackle was, how can we communicate A LOT by utilizing A LITTLE? The number one mission is still to get patients the information they need right away. To that end, we designed a special menu system that puts the most common patient tasks front and center in button form allowing users to get the information they need quickly and painlessly.

support us page

It Takes A Community To Help A Community

An important job of the new site is to help educate donors and volunteers on the many ways to get involved and the impact their efforts and generosity have within their community. It is important to LCHC to showcase the work these gifts enable, both at the health center and out in the community. Every day lives are made a little bit easier all around Lynn fueled by people throughout that very same community who have chosen to give back.

staff members
lchc building
Doing Good for the Greater Good

Making A Difference.

Through design, we were able to make myriad services, providers, and locations intuitive to navigate, easy to manage, actionable, and compelling to use. Patients can easily find exactly what they are looking for and take action to empower their health as well as the health of their families and community members.

Lynn Community Health Center truly is making a difference and we are very proud to play a small role in communicating their mission, and services and making great healthcare just a little more accessible.

Dedicated To Great Care

We built one multi-lingual, inclusive, interconnected experience utilizing many tools on an industry-leading platform. Everything works in harmony to give patients, job seekers, employees, volunteers, and donors the information they need to take advantage of the wonderful benefits provided to the community.

Explore Lynn Community Health Care
  • Enhanced brand
  • Improved SEO
  • Organized patient content
  • Multi-language support
  • Improved appointment setting experience
  • Improved job posting
  • Increased domain authority
  • ADA compliance
  • Increased brand awareness
  • Increased topical authority
  • Increased thought leadership